Prostate health checklist

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland Super beta Prostatesituated right below the bladder, surrounding the urethra. Its main function is to produce a secretion that makes up the fluid of semen. As men age, the size of their prostate begins to grow. An enlarged prostate might pose health problems as you reach 50, so it’s important that you start to look after your prostate early on before the problems start to develop. Here is a simple checklist of things men, of all ages, can do to ensure a healthy, properly functioning prostate. These can be easily incorporated to your daily life and you’ll be healthier for it.  

1)       Watch your diet. 

There’s plenty of talk about the importance of watching what you eat. Yet most people fail to realize just how it affects your overall health. Often times men realize what’s wrong with their diet. Yet, they’re not inclined to actually make the changes to their diet. Call it laziness or plain old complacence. Studies have indicated that men who eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day have better prostate health as compared to those who eat fatty, imbalanced meals. Try to make sure that your diet contains plenty of lean meats (for protein), followed by vegetables rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes. Add cruciferous vegetables to your diet- broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflowers are just a few of your options. Cruciferous vegetables contain phytochemicals, minerals, fiber and vitamins that promote better prostate health.

2)       Lead an active lifestyle. 

A sedentary lifestyle does nobody any good. It’s important to be active on a daily basis. We know that it’s difficult to get in a workout, what with all the work and domestic responsibilities, but it’s important to find some time to fit in a workout wherever you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to places wherever you can, skip for fifteen minutes every morning…your options are varied. You should keep in mind that it is recommended you exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Good health takes some work, so step out of your comfort zone and put in that extra effort. You’re going to be glad you did in future.

3)       Watch your fluid intake.

Drink plenty of water. Along with a good diet, it’s important to get enough non-caffeinated fluids on a daily basis. This means cutting down on your intake of coffee, soda and alcohol. Drink more of green tea, water, unsweetened fruit juices to maintain urinary tract and prostate health.

4)       Go in for an annual physical. 

Make it a practice to have an annual physical exam so you can track your prostate health. It’s better to stay on top of things and keep a check on health issues before they get out of hand.

5)       Consider taking natural health supplements. 

Natural healthcare supplements such as Super Beta Prostate contain vitamins and minerals. Super Beta Prostate reviews suggest that taking it helps promote better prostate health. Read a Super Beta Prostate review, in case you consider taking health supplements.

Neglecting prostate health could lead to problems in the future. Why take a chance when you can avoid these problems with just a few precautionary measures?! Start today!

Facts and Tips about the Prostate

Every year, nearly a third of all men over the age of 60, are diagnosed with some kind of prostate problem. Yet, a majority of men continue to remain clueless about this tiny gland, the functions it carries out in the body, and the steps you can take to ensure it stays healthy. So here’s presenting some quick prostate facts followed by some health tips every man should ideally follow, especially if he’s over the age of 50 or has a close relative who suffers from a prostate disorder.

Facts about the Prostate Gland

super beta prostate review


  • The prostate is a walnut-sized gland found just below the bladder, encircling the neck of the urethra. It produces a fluid that nourishes the sperm and makes up a part of the seminal fluid.
  • In older men, the prostate may swell in size and expand considerably. If it grows too big, it pushes against the bladder and urethra, resulting in weak urinary flow. Men may also feel an intense and frequent urge to urinate because of a compressed bladder. These urinary flow troubles can be uncomfortable and be a cause of embarrassment.
  • A feeble urine stream, straining while urinating, and getting up frequently at night to go to the bathroom are impending signs of a swollen prostate.

Tips to Take Care of the Prostate

  • Eat a wholesome diet that consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Make tomatoes, garlic, oily fish such as salmon and mackerel, olive oil, avocados, walnuts, and almonds a part of your daily meals. Cut back on processed foods and red meat.
  • Moderate physical activity if you wish to remain healthy and keep your prostate in good shape. Exercise also builds greater resistance against disease and helps control weight by shedding unwanted pounds.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. It flushes out the toxins, keeps the system clean and hydrated. But avoid drinking water and other fluids a couple of hours before bedtime to reduce your nightly bathroom trips.
  • Avoid drinking excess caffeine. Caffeine acts as a bladder irritant and can actually worsen your urinary troubles. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks should also be avoided.
  • If your urinary flow problems are keeping you up through the night, try Super Beta Prostate. This supplement contains a plant ester that has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces urinary tract troubles by binding to the prostate gland and stopping further swelling. Find and read a few Super Beta Prostate reviews online to better understand how this product has helped scores of men successfully deal with prostate woes without any side effects.

Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a nutritious diet, and keeping oneself physically active have tremendous benefits for overall health. It’s never too late to begin changing your ways and tweaking your habits to adopt a new but smart way of life. At the same time, visit your doctor if you’re over 50 for a prostate screening and discuss how you can effectively control your health issues and not let them upset your quality of life.

Improve Prostate Health Naturally

The prostate is a small gland found in the pelvic region in men. It sits below the bladder and envelops the neck of the urethra. It’s responsible for producing seminal fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm. As men age, the prostate gland undergoes a growth in its size, which experts claim is mainly caused due to increasing age and lifestyle factors. When it expands, it puts pressure on the organs immediately surrounding it, mainly the bladder and urethra, thereby causing urinary flow problems. Here are some tips which will help you take better care of your prostate in a natural and effective manner.

Tips to Improve Prostate Health Naturally

  • Changing your dietary habits is a sure-fire way toward a healthy prostate. Foods rich in antioxidants such as guavas, tomatoes, grapefruit, and watermelon are a great way to prevent prostate complications in later life. Eat more fruits and vegetables and cut back on animal products that contain unhealthy fats and may even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, flaxseeds, avocados, walnuts, and olive oil. They have a protective effect against cell damage and cell proliferation and may inhibit serious prostate diseases.
  • Caffeine and alcohol are bladder irritants, and will increase your bathroom woes. Limit your consumption of caffeinated beverages and avoid alcohol to minimize prostate troubles.
  • Men who suffer from frequent urination because of an expanding prostate should perform Kegel exercises. These exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles and will help you regain better control of your bladder and control urinary flow.
  • Men suffering from prostate issues can use Super Beta Prostate, a supplement specifically targeted for betterprostate health. It contains a mix of powerful and natural ingredients such as plant esters, zinc, copper, and selenium which promote a healthy prostate. Beta Sitosterol is a plant ester that adheres to the prostate gland and reduces inflammation, thus easing urinary discomfort.Super Beta Prostate testimonials are ample proof that this dietary supplement has helped hundreds of men to improve their prostate health.
  • Remain alert to the signs of an expanding prostate. Increased urination with a hesitant urine stream, leaking after urination, and straining while urinating are telltale signs of a growing prostate. If you’re experiencing any such problems, visit your doctor right away. Getting diagnosed early will help you take better care of any prostate disorder.
  • Keep yourself warm when it’s cold. Urinary problems worsen when temperatures dip, so prostate sufferers should be careful and keep themselves bundled up in winters.

All the suggestions mentioned aren’t just good for the prostate; they will definitely make a positive difference to your overall health as well. Regular exercise is also important – it boosts your immune system and keeps diseases away. Take steps now for a healthier you, so you need not have to experience any health issue, including a prostate disorder, later in life.

Why you can trust Super Beta Prostate

super beta prostate reviewThe problems related to the prostate can be very debilitating. This little gland located behind a man’s bladder can really change the way you live your life. Where you choose to go now depends on whether you can find a washroom nearby. Once the size of the prostate increases, men experience pain every time they go. You can rest assured that these are common symptoms and you are by no means alone in this battle. But like any battle you need ammunition and allies.

The Ammunition:

Your best ammunition against these symptoms is Super Beta Prostate. You don’t need to read a lot of  Super Beta Prostate review to know that it has worked for a lot of men. This is why it works:

Beta-sitosterol: This substance is derived from plants and has been repeatedly shown to be able to lower cholesterol levels and also affect the prostate gland. Men often report that it has helped them shrink the size of the prostate. Some also report that it helps increase the amount of urine and relaxes the necessary muscles so that the individual experiences less pain.

Natural: Since beta-sitosterol, the key ingredient is taken from plants and the other 12 ingredients are all minerals that men need in trace amounts, there are no severe side-effects from Super Beta Prostate. People who talk about Super Beta Prostate as a scam are really missing out. It deserves a try.

The Allies:

Your allies in the battle against the symptoms of different prostate conditions are:

  1. Sleep: Sleeping helps your body recuperate after a difficult day. The cells are revitalized and able to function better after you sleep well. Most people should aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and consistency matters too. If you consistently eat and sleep at specific times each day, it helps maintain your body’s natural rhythm.
  2. Diet: If the diet you eat doesn’t involve eating 5-6 servings of vegetables and fruits, you are doing a great disservice to yourself and endangering your prostate. In fact, eating upto 8-9 servings is ideal but many men find it very difficult to change the way they eat because protein and starch like potatoes are considered manly foods.
  3. Exercise: Get 20 minutes of exercise every day and your body will thank you for it. Your whole body including your prostate, need blood to be circulating to supply oxygen to the various organs. Exercise is vital for overall health and I’m sure everyone has heard that before.
  4. Practical tips: If you have problems with your prostate, most of the tips people give come from practice like don’t drink any beverage, especially coffee 5-6 hours before you plan on hitting the sack. Alcohol is usually not a good idea for any time of the day but one glass of wine might actually do you good. You can find more practical tips online.

Hopefully now you are armed and really to battle with the ammunition of natural supplements and the allies of sleep, diet, exercise and practical tips. You will find that if you don’t get enough sleep or eat well, these allies will join the opposition and work against you. Don’t let that happen and stay healthy.

Promoting Prostate Health through Lifestyle Changes

According to statistics, a large proportion Super Beta Prostate reviewsof men, over the age of 50, face prostate conditions. Most men aren’t even aware of the prostate till they start facing these problems in middle age. The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland that sits below the bladder and envelops itself around the urethra, the duct that carries urine and sperm out from the body. During adolescence, this gland doubles in size, and then its growth stabilizes till a man attains middle age. At this stage, the prostate begins to grow again size, and exerts pressure on the urethra and bladder, interfering with urination. This can’t be avoided, but changing your habits and adopting a smarter lifestyle can promote better prostate health and prevent it from worsening. Here are some time-tested tips that you may want to consider to keep your prostate gland in good shape.

Lifestyle Changes for Prostate Health

  • Don’t drink fluids an hour before bedtime
  • Relieve yourself whenever you feel the urge to urinate. Practice double voiding. After urinating, wait for a couple of minutes, and urinate again, a second time.
  • Caffeine, soda, and alcohol irritate the bladder, so stay away from these beverages.
  • Engage in regular exercise. Kegel exercises are the best way to strengthen the bladder muscles and control urinary flow.
  • A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, and whole grains is considered very good for the prostate. Tomatoes, guavas, watermelon, grapefruit, soy, walnuts, Brazil nuts are examples of food linked to better prostate health. Don’t eat too much red meat, saturated fats, and trans fats and foods high in hydrogenated oil. Cut back on junk and spicy food. Also avoid canned and processed foods.
  • Cold medicines contain antihistamines and decongestants. These can worsen urinary problems by constricting the muscles surrounding the urethra. Avoid them especially if you’re already experiencing a prostate health concern.
  • Try using supplements such as Super Beta Prostate Supplement which are specifically formulated for optimum prostate health. This product contains Beta Sitosterol, a plant and fruit ester that works by binding to the prostate gland and inhibiting swelling and alleviating urinary flow discomfort. It also contains zinc, a trace mineral that’s absent from our everyday diet but plays a vital role in fostering prostate health. Read Super Beta Prostate Supplement reviews to know how hundreds of men have successfully used this dietary supplement to promote prostate health.

Research has proved beyond doubt that a nutritious diet, consistent exercise, and the use of safe and natural supplements go a long way in positively influencing prostate health. An annual prostate exam is a great way to detect any abnormalities and if found, begin their management well in time. In short, men who choose to lead a healthy lifestyle, keep their weight in check, and engage in moderate physical activity can avert prostate disorders in the senior years of their life.

Is there a miracle worker for the prostate gland?

Have you noticed how all the Super Beta Prostate Reviewsadvertisements on your face book page or email account correspond to your latest searches? Especially if you’ve searched for hot topics like prostate health, there will be a dozen prostate health companies all vying for your attention. Most of them claim to have found some miracle drug that heals the prostate. But living in the twenty-first century, we know that miracles, if they exist, are not sold in bottles.

Sometimes these exaggerated claims do have scientific research to back them up but often a lot of such propaganda is a lie. Some of these lies are so carefully crafted that they would fool even the best of us. So how can we guard ourselves from being taken for? You can learn about the things you should be looking for in an effective prostate supplement and what you can do to develop a healthier prostate gland.

Look for this in a supplement:

  • Beta-sitosterol: In the right proportion there is enough scientific data to suggest that beta-sitosterol might be effective in decreasing the inflammation of an enlarged prostate and decrease the symptoms additionally by relaxing the urinary muscles and increasing urine flow. But what is beta-sitosterol? It is a plant derivative that many plants contain but in order to intake a high amount of it, you’d have to eat an unrealistic amount of vegetables. That’s why supplements that contain beta-sitosterol are preferred but you must be careful to choose one that has it in a high amount like Super Beta Prostate. If you read Super Beta Prostate reviews, you’ll see why the claims they make hold true.
  • Others: Some other general nutrients that play a significant role in prostate healht and should be part of any prostate supplement are:
    • Zinc
    • Lycopene
    • Vitamin B, C, E
    • Selenium

Look for this in food products:

It’s easy to see that the same nutrients that are you’re going to be looking for in a supplement should be the ones that feature in the food you eat. So what are some good sources of zinc? Pumpkin seeds, lean red meat and beans! It’s not that hard to eat these foods. You’ll find that taking care of your prostate doesn’t mean going on a stressful tasteless diet but often the foods you care for are good for you and you can just tweak your diet to eat those foods in a higher proportion. A little research in this area will take you a long way in prostate health. Some easy replacements or addition tips are

  • Lean meat for fatty meat.
  • Tomatoes and tomato sauce on everything (if you love it, eat more of it!)
  • A salad before every meal, parsley is great for the prostate.

The final requirement for a healthy prostate, no thanks to any ‘miracle’ drug is exercise. Make sure you’re keeping active and that will help rejuvenate every part of your body, including the prostate. Hopefully you can now find the right natural prostate supplement without expecting it to miraculously solve everything but rather a supplement that comes along side and pushes your body a little closer to health.

Managing an Enlarged Prostate through Diet

For a majority of men, prostate enlargement hasSuper Beta Prostate reviews almost become synonymous with advancing age. Nearly a third of all men who have turned 50 face this condition to some extent. Unfortunately, you cannot avoid prostate enlargement. But you can certainly alter your lifestyle to delay this condition and make sure your prostate is in good shape. Making slight improvements to your diet and eating supplements such as Super Beta Prostate can go a long way in effectively managing an enlarged prostate and even make it easier to deal with the bothersome urinary troubles it causes.

Diet for an Enlarged Prostate

  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, at least five servings a day. They are packed with antioxidants that help in fighting cell damage inhibit cell proliferation.
  • Your body needs healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids which are found in abundance in salmon, mackerel, walnuts, almonds, avocados, and olive oil. They can help your body fight against inflammation and are also considered good for overall cardiovascular health.
  • Eat food rich in vitamin C. Cranberries, bell peppers, oranges, pineapples are just some examples. Vitamin C bolsters your immune system and staves off diseases. Cranberry juice increases the acidity of urine, which is said to kill harmful bacteria present in it, thus keeping you safe from urinary infections which can sometimes be caused due to prostate enlargement.
  • Zinc is essential for a healthy prostate. It is highly beneficial for cell growth and also strengthens the immune system. Shellfish such as oysters and crab and dried seeds of watermelon, sesame, and pumpkin are excellent sources of zinc.
  • Drink a lot of water. Many men avoid drinking water for fear of increased bathroom trips. Water helps flush out the toxins from the body and keeps it healthy. If you’re bothered by increased urination, avoid drinking water an hour before you go to bed.
  • Super Beta Prostate reviews indicate that this supplement contains Beta Sitosterol, a plant and fruit ester that stops inflammation by binding to the prostate gland. This offers relief to patients suffering from painful urinary flow problems.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption. A glass or two a day is fine, but keep it at that. Also keep caffeine and sugary drinks to a minimum because caffeine is a diuretic and you’ll end up making more trips to the bathroom. More importantly, quit smoking. Nicotine irritates the bladder and urethra and can further aggravate your condition.

Studies have repeatedly shown that modifying dietary habits is the best way to effectively manage an enlarged prostate. It’s not just important for your prostate, but a healthy and balanced diet is the key to a healthier you. Think of it as the most natural and least invasive technique to keep prostate health issues away!

Enlarged Prostate in Men

Prostate enlargement is a very common occurrence in men as Super Beta Prostate Reviewsthey grow old. By age 60, nearly 50% of men in United States would have faced some degree of prostate enlargement. An enlarged prostate can cause problems with the flow of urine. Some men may not experience any trouble at all, whereas for others, urinary flow problems can become the bane of their life. Here’s more on how and why this happens.

Enlarged Prostate – A Brief Overview

The prostate gland is situated just below the bladder and is roughly the size of a chestnut. The urethra, the tube which carries urine runs through the center of the prostate. The prostate gland synthesizes a milky-white fluid that nourishes the sperm, increasing their survival span and motility and protecting the genetic code held within. This gland undergoes two stages of growth. The first stage occurs in early adolescence when the gland doubles in size. The second stage occurs in middle age, when the prostate again undergoes considerable growth. If it gets too big, it can squeeze the urethra, partially obstructing the flow of urine and semen through it. It also presses up against the bladder, increasing the urge to urinate. These problems can sometimes be severe enough and may need medical intervention, whereas some men are lucky enough not to face them at all. Age and genetics are said to be the leading risk factors for prostate enlargement. Interestingly, the size of the enlarged prostate is not related to the severity of the symptoms. Men with slightly enlarged prostates may have severe urinary flow problems, and those with significant enlargement may not show any symptoms at all.

Signs of an Enlarged Prostate

  • Excessive urination, especially at night
  • Dribbling and leaking after urination
  • Hesitancy before urinating
  • Sensation that the bladder is full even after a visit to the bathroom
  • Constant need to urinate
  • Weak urine stream

Drugs are usually prescribed to men who suffer from painful urinary troubles. Then there are nonprescription supplements that alleviate the urinary flow problems and bring much needed relief. Super Beta Prostate reviews indicate that it’s a dietary supplement containing Beta Sitosterol, a plant and fruit ester that inhibits the prostate gland from swelling and keeps age-related discomforts away. Other ways to take care are to eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat food and stay away from junk food. Lose weight if you’re overweight. Obesity can be a risk factor for prostate enlargement.

Men experiencing bothersome urinary symptoms should see their doctor immediately. Ideally, everyone over the age of 50 should go for an annual prostate exam which will help detect even the smallest problem in its earliest stage. Be proactive in taking care of your prostate – a smart diet, an active lifestyle, and nutritional products like Super Beta Prostate can improve the quality of your life and offer respite from the troublesome signs of an enlarged prostate.

Supporting Prostate Health

Nearly a third of all American men will face prostate enlargement by the time they are 60. Many men, even though they are aware of prostate issues, do not take any action until it becomes a personal issue and they have to visit the doctor. Men also consider an enlarged prostate a part of normal aging that can’t be avoided. This is partially true, because there are ways you can support prostate health and delay, if not avoid, prostate enlargement. Here’s more on how to support prostate health.

Supporting Prostate Health

  • A well-balanced low-fat diet will keep your prostate gland in good shape. Remember to eat at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. They are packed with antioxidants which fight the free radicals in the body and thwart cell proliferation. Soy is another food that reduces the risk of prostate enlargement. Don’t forget to include zinc in your daily diet. Zinc plays a crucial role in overall prostate health. Dietary sources of zinc are oysters and dried pumpkin and sesame seeds.
  • Beta Sitosterol is a plant and fruit ester that has been clinically proven to bind to the prostate and inhibiting inflammation, thus keeping age-related problems away. It’s the primary ingredient in Super Beta Prostate Supplement, a supplement specifically geared toward prostate health.
  • Enjoy alcohol in moderation. In fact a glass or two might actually be good for your system, but don’t go beyond that.
  • Maintain an active lifestyle. If you’re overweight, try to shed the extra pounds, as obesity is a major risk factor prostate enlargement. Try to squeeze in a few minutes of aerobic exercise every day, no matter how busy your daily schedule is. It’s for your own good. Exercise tones your body, helps you stay in shape and strengthens your immune system.
  • If anyone in your family has suffered from prostate enlargement, then you’re at risk for it as well. Visit your doctor at least once a year for an annual prostate examination. Catching any problem in its initial stages will minimize the risk of prostate enlargement worsening and causing troublesome urinary flow problems.

Proactively take care of your prostate gland. You’ll have fewer complaints related to urinary tract functions if your prostate is in good shape. All you really need to do is implement a few lifestyle changes, like eating healthy, limiting alcohol consumption, working out at least five days a week and taking a dietary supplement that supports prostate health. Go through Super Beta Prostate testimonials and you’ll see how hundreds of men have found relief from urinary flow problems that are a part and parcel of an enlarged prostate. You can’t avoid an enlarged prostate, but exploring your options on how to delay it is in your hands.

Natural Ways to Protect Prostate Health

Natural is the way to go. Making a few changes in your diet super beta prostate supplement review and lifestyle could go a long way in protecting prostate health. Scientists have associated a diet with adequate vegetables and fruit, low in saturated fats and red meat, with better prostate health. Of course, this kind of diet is good for just about every part of your body healthy, but … did you know that certain foods can affect prostate health more than others. These foods contain strategic bio-compounds that the prostate needs to function healthy. Include these foods in your diet:

  • Pumpkin seeds – this is the traditional remedy for “manhood”! Grandmothers all over the world have encouraged little boys to eat pumpkin seeds. Scientists have just discovered that grandma was right! Pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytosterols (including beta-sitosterol) minerals, and vitamins. Pumpkin seeds contain lots of zinc. Zinc is a vital mineral for maintaining men’s health. The prostate has a high concentration of zinc. Zinc is needed for sperm quality and motility. Beta-sitosterol (derived from natural plant substances) helps to maintain prostate health and also helps to alleviate urinary discomforts in senior men who suffer from an enlarged prostate.
  • Cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage are rich in indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Men who eat plenty of these types of vegetables are said to have a lower risk of degenerative prostate conditions. Scientists do not know why I3C has this influence on prostate cells but it is believed that this substance may be able to maintain a balance of hormones necessary for keeping the prostate healthy.
  • Eat venison! By far the highest percentage of zinc is found in venison. Other foods include oysters, scallops, sesame seeds and oats. Oats and seafood would definitely be the healthier way to get more zinc in your diet.
  • What to avoid – If you have an enlarged prostate, you should avoid caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is known to be a diuretic. This tends to aggravate symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Don’t miss out on a key ingredient for prostate health

As mentioned beta sitosterol has science-supported benefits for prostate health.  This is a natural way to protect prostate health and alleviate problems men face with prostate enlargement, particularly related to urinary flow and functions.

If you find it difficult to get all these foods into your diet, you’ll find prostate health supplements will ensure you get the daily dose you need to promote prostate health. Read a Super Beta Prostate Supplement review to find out more about prostate-specific nutrition. Do your own research on the subject. Simply google “beta sitosterol” or “zincd” and go through the number of studies that support their use for prostate health. Make sure you look at credible research sites like Pubmed. It’s not only scientific evidence that suggests their efficacy, but Super Beta Prostate testimonials affirm experiential benefits on prostate health.